emma b. says

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Fucking Breakthrough

In that I am sitting on the couch as I write and I owe my gratitude to The Buck, 'puter wunderkind who helped me so. You see, Pere Em ma Claus gave fille Emma a shiny new lap top for Christmas, and it has been sitting in it's pretty black bag as I had no idea how to make it function... To the degree that when I took it from it's bag this evening and turned it on and it quickly went SPLAT I had no idea what happened and thought it was broken.

It wasn't broken, the batteries were dead.

And so I rummaged around a bit in the bag and came up with a charger, or appeared to be a charger but the inserty parts didn't match any of the orifices (orifi?) in my computer... again panic, The Buck is on his way, it would look really poorly if I were so inept as to not be able to turn on my new shiny silver lap top... Eureka, I found a plug and a cord and I went all puzzler on the innies and the outies and managed to plug the damn thing in all the while hoping that it wouldn't blow up because I hadn't fully charged the battery.

And so here I am half blogging half watching a movie, as I am multitasking (and I really ought to retract that last statement before I get condemned for employing the verb "blogging" and "watching" (in this case a craptacular movie) - OK maybe it's the second time that I am watching the Bourne Identity, but I would just like to point out that I don't have television and I am very fond of car chases.

speaking of...


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